DRAFT – Marina Cottage
Early Learning Centre
(DRAFT) Marina Cottage Early Learning Centre is a privately owned child care centre. We aim to provide the highest quality education and care for children and families within the local area. Our highly qualified team encourages every child to grow, learn, develop and to leave us to continue their journey into their schooling life feeling confident and prepared. We feel that our children at Marina Cottage Early Learning Centre leave our service having tomorrow’s knowledge, today.
The centre caters for children aged between 2-6 years of age for 50 weeks of the year from 7:30am till 6:00pm. The centre is licensed for 40 children per day. The majority of children are from the local area, however, enrolments are also encouraged and welcomed from other locations within the Illawarra Area. We aim to create a caring, safe and supporting environment where children can choose from a wide and varied range of appropriate activities, which cater to individual needs and interests.
We have a Basic Skills program (Early Learner’s) for our 2 -3 year olds and a School Readiness program for our 4-6 year olds who are preparing to go to school. We also have freshly cooked meals (prepared and cooked onsite) along with loads of activities through out the year to extend all our children’s learning and development.